Many so-called ‘classic’ Thai dishes have their origins in the Central part of Thailand. The culinary skills of well-respected chefs from the royal family play a just as important role here as all those simple and no less fascinating preparation methods of the “common people”. Amongst so many other details it is especially this unique blend of cooking techniques that made Thai cuisine so interesting.

But of course there are also countless other influences that found their way into classic Thai cuisine back in the early days already. Influences from both Northern and Southern Thailand are just as important here as dishes with a Laotian or North-Eastern Thai (Isaan) background. Centuries ago, the Kingdom of Siam also had close trade relations with other cultures. This is how “foreign” ingredients and methods of preparation have also found their place in classic Thai cuisine. From Persia to India, from Indonesian to Burmese and Chinese influences, a huge variety can be found here.

At my cooking workshops it is my aim to pass on some of those roots of Thai cuisine by focusing on classic Thai recipes and traditional cooking methods in order to attain well-balanced Thai dishes that at the same time have a very exciting touch to them

Southern Thai cuisine

The origins of flavour

Individual & profound

An expression of local culture

Natural ingredients

How we cook – how we eat